Last week I wrote about the power of reflection and processing the major events in the world and in your personal life.

Today is the 16th Anniversary of the tragic attack on our country. Today I encourage you to take a moment to reflect. Take a moment to think about:

  • What lessons did you learn? What lessons did our country learn?
  • Were you surprised at the emotions you experienced? What surprised you and how did you process those feelings?
  • Did you do anything different because of the attacks?
  • How about the reflection time today, does it conjure up a new plan or project that you wish to put in place?

As the various regions of our country are recovering from or fighting natural disasters, my thought is one of the great power of coming together as a Nation. In 2001 empathy and collaboration was a powerful and healing force.

Today, my plan is renewed – kindness is key. Empathetic collaboration for our fellow human beings will continue to be my plan forward.

What is your plan?